Common Models

Ballot Return Status

The following is an example of a ballot return status.

    "ballotReturnStatusId": 14,
    "name": "Not Voted"
ballotReturnStatusIdintRead-only; Unique identifier for a Ballot Return Status in this context.
namestringRead-only; Name for the Ballot Return Status

Ballot Request Type

The following is an example of a ballot request type.

    "ballotRequestTypeId": 4,
    "name": "Mailed"
ballotRequestTypeIdintRead-only; Unique identifier for a Ballot Request Type in this context.
namestringRead-only; Name for the Ballot Request Type

Ballot Type

The following is an example of a ballot type.

    "ballotTypeId": 7,
    "name": "Overseas"
ballotTypeIdintRead-only; Unique identifier for a Ballot Type in this context.
namestringRead-only; Name for the Ballot Type

Ballot Rejection Reason

The following is an example of a ballot rejection reason.

    "ballotRejectionReasonId": 1,
    "name": "Rejected"
ballotRejectionReasonIdintRead-only; Unique identifier for a Ballot Rejection Reason in this context.
namestringRead-only; Name for the Ballot Rejection Reason