Common models

The following is an example of a MiniVAN Export:

  "minivanExportId": 2133,
  "name": "My List 10/9/15 4:23 PM",
  "databaseMode": 0,
  "dateCreated": "2015-10-09T16:23:53.41Z",
  "createdBy": {
    "userId": 111222,
    "firstName": "Frances",
    "lastName": "Perkins"
  "canvassers": [
      "canvassserId": 111223,
      "firstName": "Eleanor",
      "lastName": "Roosevelt"

MiniVAN Export

Each MiniVAN Export has the following properties:

minivanExportIdintRead-only; Unique identifier for a MiniVAN Export
namestringThe name given to the list when it was exported to MiniVAN
databaseModeintWhether the export exists in VoterFile mode (0) or MyCampaign mode (1)
dateCreateddateThe date the export was created
createdByobjectAn object containing a userId property indicating the ID of the VAN User who created the export
canvassersarrayAn array of objects containing a canvasserId property indicating the ID of the VAN User who received the export and canvassed the list