Common Models


The following is an example of a Folder.

  "name":"API Generated Lists"

Each Folder has the following properties:

folderIdintFolder must be accessible by the API key.
namestringFolder name

Map Region

The following is an example of a Map Region within a Folder.

  "mapRegionId": 12345,
  "name": "City of Cambridge",
  "description": null,
  "dateCreated": "2024-04-12T12:00:00Z"
  "dateRefreshed": "2024-07-12T12:00:00Z"
  "mapRoutes": [
      "mapRouteId": 321,
      "name": "City of Cambridge Turf 01",
      "savedListId": 111,
      "routeNumber": 1,
      "routeSize": 100,
      "doorCount": 91,
      "phoneCount": 87
      "mapRouteId": 321,
      "name": "City of Cambridge Turf 02",
      "savedListId": 222,
      "routeNumber": 2,
      "routeSize": 50,
      "doorCount": 47,
      "phoneCount": 35

Each Map Region has the following properties:

mapRegionIdintIdentifier for the Map Region
namestringMap Region name
descriptionstringMap Region description
dateCreateddateDate and Time the Map Region was created
dateRefresheddateDate and Time the Map Region was last refreshed
mapRoutesarrayArray of Map Routes associated with the Map Region

Map Route

The following is an example of a Map Route within a Map Region.

  "mapRouteId": 321,
  "name": "City of Cambridge Turf 01",
  "savedListId": 111,
  "routeNumber": 1,
  "routeSize": 100,
  "doorCount": 91,
  "phoneCount": 87

Each Map Route has the following properties:

mapRouteIdintIdentifier for the Map Route
namestringMap Route name
savedListIdintIdentifier for the Saved List underlying the Map Route
routeNumberintIndex number of the Map Route within the Map Region
routeSizeintNumber of people within the Map Route
doorCountintNumber of unique doors within the Map Route
phoneCountintNumber of unique phone numbers within the Map Route