Common Models

The following is an overview of the Voter Registration Batch:

  "voterRegistrationBatchId": 100,
  "name": "VR Batch",
  "description": "VR Batch Description",
  "stateCode": "MA",
  "form": {
    "formId": 101,
    "name": "VR Form"
  "status": "Entering",
  "programType": {
    "programTypeId": 201,
    "name": "VR Program"
  "personType": "Applicant",
  "dateCreated": "2019-08-01T00:00:00Z"

The following is an overview of the Voter Registration Batch object and its related objects.

Voter Registration Batch

voterRegistrationBatchIdintRead-only; Unique identifier for a VR Batch in this context.
namestringRequired. Full display name of the batch
descriptionstringDescription of the batch.
stateCodestringRequired. The US state of the batch. Must be a valid two letter US state abbreviation.
formobjectRequired. The voter registration form to associate with this batch.
statusstringA string representing the status of the batch. See below for valid values of Batch Status.
programTypeobjectThe “Program” for this batch.
personTypestringA string representing the type of persons to be added to this batch. See below for valid values of Person Type.
dateCreateddateThe date created of the batch.


formIdintRead-only; Unique identifier for a Voter Registration Form in this context.
namestringThe name of this form.

Program Type

programTypeIdintRead-only; Unique identifier for a Program Type in this context.
namestringThe name of this program type.

Batch Status

One of

  • Unknown
  • Entering
  • Completed
  • Committed
  • Processed

Person Type

One of

  • Applicants
  • Pledges