Common models

The following is an example of an Extended Source Code called AXY10892323IDFEN23819.

    "extendedSourceCodeId": 18,
    "extendedSourceCodeName": "AXY10892323IDFEN23819",
    "createdBy":  {
      "userId": 111222,
      "firstName": "Frances",
      "lastName": "Perkins"
    "dateCreated": "2020-04-28T16:13:00Z",
    "modifiedBy": null,
    "dateModified": null

Extended Source Code

extendedSourceCodeIdintA unique identifier for an Extended Source Code in this context
extendedSourceCodeNamestringA name for this Extended Source Code. Must be alphanumeric and no longer than 20 characters
createdByobjectAn object containing a userId property indicating the ID of the VAN User who created this extended source code
dateCreateddateThe date the extended source code was created
modifiedByobjectAn object containing a userId property indicating the ID of the VAN User who last modified this extended source code
dateModifieddateThe date the extended source code was last modified